Sunday, April 4, 2010

Patterns, of papers and birds!

When a tub of water is filled and left alone on the terrace, the first birds that come frolicking are the crows while the pigeons sit perched at a distance awaiting their turn. Once the crows  have had their heart's fill of drinking and waddling, the pigeons take their place, resulting in another round of frolicking and splashing. This is the time when we hear birds differently, not through their calls but through their movements. We hear a heavy sound as they beat the water with their soaked wings, we hear a gentle bobbing sound as they dip their heads underwater and we hear them flap their wings dry after they have daintily jumped out the tub.  They ruffle and smoothen their own feathers using their beaks.  They shudder at last putting every stray feather in place, ready to take flight!
 If you want to use this doodle, you can by all means.  Do let me know if you plan to at and if you wish to have a high res image :) 

They have bathing patterns too.....some dive headlong, some cautiously test the waters, some take a few minutes to warm up to the wetness (I relate to them the most), some stand still, some are all over the place and some walk around!  But all finally perch on branches to dry themselves....


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