Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This post was meant for something else. But something else takes precedence. I was groped by a hand today on my way back from work. Just a hand, because I do not have a face or form to give that hand. I was not walking “in the open” or on the streets, I was not in a crowded place like a Railway Station, I was not in a dark alley, I wasn’t in a pub getting drunk and being unethical or immoral nor was I wearing “revealing”, “vulgar”, low waist denims and a short T. I was as revealing as revealing could get in clothes suitable for office, huddled in a corner of a rickshaw, with a big bag and another bag of some purchases!

That’s where the groping happened! And I realized as I type, that I am avoiding the sentence “That’s where I got groped”. Passive voice comes to the rescue if I am grammatically correct! Framing the sentence with an “I” is like a slap on the face. But let me face it. “I” got groped by a pedestrian while I sat in the rickshaw.

Am I angry? No! Am I sad? No! There are no emotions… is that a problem? My rickshaw slowed down in traffic, when I was caught unawares (unaware and relaxing after a days work, listening to music, enjoying my rickshaw ride back home…is that a problem? Was I careless for doing that? Did I ASK FOR IT?). It all happened so quickly. My rickshaw was moving ahead already. I asked the driver to stop and got down without knowing what I was going to do…shout? Hit? Chase? I got down only to face the traffic and a sea of people. I do not know who did it!

What is the change? The rest of the journey, I sat with my bag closer than it was, alert to every passerby each time my rickshaw slowed! And I think this will continue for a long time now. Shock value maybe!

This slot was meant for a happy and pleasant post!

It has turned out to be something else…

My friends read this blog. Hell my family reads this blog. For me, my personal victory is that I can talk about it… with no shame! Because the shame is NOT MINE!

Point to Ponder: What can be done? Blogging and some more blogging maybe.......?

And what the hell do I title this post as?


Udayan said...

All in the dark they grope along.

dharmabum said...

it makes me angry, j. angry enough to want to react violently.
take care.

Anonymous said...

And 5 days ago someone groped/touched my butt whilst I was boarding a train at Dadar station...


Ramya said...

You say you are not sad. I am. You say you are not angry. Like hell, I am. And some idiots are moral policing women out of pubs. Talk about bloody double standards!!!

Anonymous said...

Bloody chuts with tiny dicks. That's what they are.


Tamanna A Shaikh said...

Something almost similarly hideous had happened to me too...I wonder how many other women are subject to such mind-rapes...It's difficult to not feel anything...I was shocked first, staggered second and the third, I was furious...super-furious...That was a moment of sheer strength..I had the strength to rip that pervert freak apart...You're absolutely right in that it's a shame that's not yours or mine...but it's a shame...Well, blog, we do...

J said...

Udayan :)

Bala: Pch! :)

Me: Blah!

Ramya: Hmmf!

Papaa: Shall I title this post "Eternal groping of the FUCKING "man" kind"?

Tamanna: I read an interesting article where the word "not-rape" was used for all those harassments that are "not rape" but are harassing. Quite an interesting "limbo" stage that is nay...not rape but a violation, a trespassing nevertheless!

Aditya Mehta said...

The Great Indian Grope Trick!

You're welcome.

Priya said...

Its sickning... its hell scarry
for me..
Something like this, wonder why happens to most of the females..
You really dont know what to do
Hit? Freak out? i am jus blankkk
Blank blank blank..
I have written something like this in my blog too recently..
Such kinda men areee Despossss and Loserssss
Frued is right... all people think about issss Sex and Aggressionnnn

Kartick Sitaraman said...

I remember reading this post when it was written and telling you on mail or chat that I was sorry; for my entire gender.

Besides the range of emotions and action choices at that time, I found another vent to bring this up and do something about it, even if in a fictional, non-significant space. It goes into a film I'm writing.

It is no solution to the bitter and sad reality, but just one place where I can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I have.

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